Rhinoplasty Surgery in Bangkok, Thailand

*Recovery times / Results May Vary

Rhinoplasty surgery, or nose-reshaping surgery (also known in Bangkok as a ‘nose-job’), is one of the five most popular plastic surgery procedures in the world. For patients in Thailand who are unhappy with the size or shape of their nose, rhinoplasty performed at our clinic in Bangkok can be a welcome cosmetic solution. Make an appointment to visit our clinic and discover more about having rhinoplasty surgery in Bangkok, Thailand, including the reasonable price of the procedure.

Because the nose is the most prominent facial feature, altering its size or shape can have a significant impact on one’s appearance. When performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, rhinoplasty can greatly improve the balance of facial features, helping patients find new confidence.

Rhinoplasty is plastic surgery that modifies the shape and size of the nose. While most of these procedures are performed for aesthetic reasons, rhinoplasty can also provide a solution to structural defects that may cause breathing problems. The nose reshaping procedure can be done as an outpatient or inpatient treatment that typically lasts one to three hours. The ideal rhinoplasty candidates in Bangkok are those with a prominent nasal hump, wide nose or a nasal tip that needs refinement.


There are 2 Types of Rhinoplasty Surgery

  1. Closed Rhinoplasty (Internal Approach Rhinoplasty): an operative technique in which incisions are made entirely within the nasal interior.
  2. Open Rhinoplasty (Open Structure Rhinoplasty): an operative technique by which an external incision is made to gain access to the interior of the nose.

The main difference between Open and Closed Rhinoplasty is that a small incision is made on the underside of the skin at the end of the septum, separating the two nostrils (columella) during an Open approach.

What is Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Because of individual factors, not everyone will achieve the same results from rhinoplasty. Your surgeon's goal is to obtain the best possible results for you.

Alterations may be made to increase or decrease the nasal bridge, reduce the size or width of the nose, narrow the nostrils, change the angle between the nose and upper lip, or reshape the tip.

The surgical techniques employed will depend primarily on the goals you establish with your plastic surgeon. In many cases, all of the incisions will be placed inside your nose, where they will not be visible. If the base of the nose is to be narrowed or the nostrils reduced, small wedges of skin at the base of the nostrils will be removed. Incisions are hidden in the natural crease where the nostril joins the cheek.

Through the small incisions, work is done on the cartilage and bone that form the framework of your nose. In some cases, the position of certain bones may need to be altered slightly in order to make your nose look narrower and straighter. If your nose needs to be built up in some areas, this can be done using nasal cartilage, bone, or cartilage from another part of your body, such as the ear. The skin and soft tissues then re-drape themselves over this new "scaffolding."

Rhinoplasty Bangkok


Result and Follow-up to Rhinoplasty Surgery

Generally, bruising around the eyes and cheeks is most apparent during the first three days following surgery. Most discoloration will clear within a week. A few days after surgery, you can begin to use makeup as a concealer if you wish. Noticeable swelling may last for several weeks. Minor residual swelling, most frequently affecting the nasal tip, may continue for many months, but generally, this should not be apparent to others*.

*Recovery times / Results May Vary

Alarplasty Surgery

The nose defines the balance of the face, and a beautifully shaped nose that is in balance with the rest of the features represents beauty for many. A well-shaped nose has a straight bridge, a neat rounded tip and nostrils that are the ideal size in proportion to the rest of the nose. Alarplasty surgery is a popular procedure for defining and correcting the symmetry of the nose.

If you have nostrils that are proportionately larger when compared to your other facial features or have nostrils that are extremely pinched, alarplasty surgery in Bangkok may be your ideal solution. 15 is the minimum age at which a nose becomes fully developed, and it must be fully developed to be considered for alarplasty surgery. Remember, alarplasty won’t change your looks significantly. It’s a minor surgery that‘s used to improve your looks rather than provide major alterations.

What is Alarplasty Surgery?

Alarplasty refers to the narrowing of too-wide nostrils. Rhinoplasty is a general term referring to any type of plastic surgery designed to change the appearance of the nose. Alarplasty surgery is a specialization of rhinoplasty performed by removing a predetermined amount of soft tissue, and then suturing the open areas together. This narrows the nostrils. In practice, the surgeon performs only inside-the-nose incisions that extend no further than the nostrils.

Result and Follow-up to Alarplasty Surgery

During alarplasty surgery in Bangkok, the surgeon will make an incision where the wall of the nose meets the cheek. The extra fatty tissue, muscle and skin are trimmed. The nostril is repositioned and reconnected with fine sutures. The surgery time is approximately 1 hour and is performed under local anesthesia in our clinic. You will experience swelling around the incision areas, but the swelling will subside in a week or two*.

*Recovery times / Results May Vary


Nasal Tip Rhinoplasty addresses the shape and size of the bottom third of the nose, known as the nasal tip. A more conservative nasal tip rhinoplasty approach corrects only the region of the nose that is a perceived concern. Refinement of the nasal tip, known as a tip-plasty or tippoplasty surgery, can change the appearance of an individual in subtle yet desirable ways. Raising the angle of the nose gently, refining the width of the nose without bringing attention to it, and reducing some of the fullness of the nose are common objectives of this kind of nose surgery.

What is Tip-plasty?

Tip-plasty is one of the most challenging types of nose surgery performed in our Bangkok clinic, as disruption of the cartilage that supports the tip of the nose can cause the tip to collapse, rotate or lose projection.

The surgery includes realignment of alar cartilage by resection and suture, fibroareolar and subcutaneous tissue resection, tip graft, and columellar strut reconstruction. The nasal tip is positioned high and elegantly, using methods such as cartilage suture, cartilage grafting and blocking up the nasal septum. The specific methods used are decided by the surgeon. The ideal shape can be achieved if the nose has an adequate length. Therefore, a procedure for embedding a supporting platform is often included. The tips of the nose are made high and straight by suturing cartilage and performing cartilage grafting on sutural cartilage or embedding an alloderm natural structure. In order to support the structure, the process of embedding the nasal septum is very important. The embedding of the nasal septum can also optimize the angle shaped by the lips and tips of the nose and enhance the effect of the nose augmentation rhinoplasty.

A round or bulbous nasal tip is due to a large area of cartilage at the nasal tip. This cartilage widens the tip of the nose and makes it less defined. This is corrected through a tip-plasty procedure at our clinic that excises the excess cartilage at the tip of the nose to narrow it down and give it more definition. A tip-plasty also increases the projection of the nasal tip.

Result and Follow-up

The tip-plasty procedure at our clinic can involve suture techniques of the lower lateral cartilages to refine and narrow the tip. Occasionally, tip cartilage is removed if the pre-existing cartilage is too wide, and in some cases, tip grafting techniques are used to give more projection to the tip when needed. A tip-plasty does not involve bridge work, hump reduction, alarplasty or osteotomies. There will be bruising and swelling that will subside within 2 weeks. In 4 to 6 weeks, you can resume your normal routine without the surgery being apparent*.

*Recovery times / Results May Vary

Hump Reduction

A dorsal hump, or “hump” as patients commonly refer to it, is a convex shape to the bridge of the nose. The hump draws attention to the nose by deviating from the classic straight bridge profile. Thus, even if a nose is otherwise small (as far as length or tip size), it still seems large and out of proportion. In women, a prominent hump can be masculinizing and especially bothersome to the patient. Throughout the years, many surgeons have shown that the bony pyramid can be reliably reduced, repositioned, or augmented through an endonasal approach. However, open rhinoplasty may allow more precise contour refining of the nasal dorsum. The incidence of profile irregularities may be reduced when procedures are performed via the open rhinoplasty approach. The benefits of increased exposure to the dorsum, available with the open rhinoplasty approach, should be exploited whenever possible.

If you have a hump on the bridge of your nose, the surgeon will use a special tool to reduce the size of the hump. To correct a wide bridge, the surgeon will fracture the bones and, in some cases, remove excess cartilage. He will then move the bones together, creating a narrower bridge and a more refined appearance.

Hump Reduction Open Rhinoplasty Results and Follow-up

Hump reduction service in Bangkok

Occasionally, our Bangkok rhinoplasty patients have an isolated hump that they want to reduce or modify. However, more frequently, a hump is present with other anatomic irregularities like a concavity of the bridge, droopy tip, or a mobile tip that moves with speech or smiling. The surgeons at our clinic can treat these additional issues at the same time they perform a hump reduction.

Bruising around the eyes and cheeks is most apparent during the first three days following surgery. Most discoloration will clear within a week. A few days after surgery, you can begin to use makeup as a concealer if you wish. Noticeable swelling may last for several weeks. Minor residual swelling, most frequently affecting the nasal tip, may continue for many months, but generally, this should not be apparent to others.


Before Nose Surgery in Bangkok

There are certain steps and precautions that you should observe before undergoing rhinoplasty surgery. These will help ensure the success of your procedure.

Six months before your surgery, you should stop taking any medications containing vitamin A (isotretinoin), as vitamin A can impact the healing of your surgical wounds. You should also avoid having nose filler injections at this time.

Three months before your nose surgery at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok, you should have an annual health check-up and deal with any existing health problems. You should also avoid having any laser therapy or fine thread lifting treatments on the nose.

You should avoid sunbathing and having any other surgeries four weeks before your scheduled rhinoplasty surgery. You should also stop smoking at this time and refrain from smoking for four weeks after the surgery.

Ten days before your procedure, you should get a list of the drugs you should avoid that affect blood clotting capabilities.


After Rhinoplasty Surgery

After nose surgery, you want to focus on reducing the swelling. It’s advised to sleep with your head above your chest and on your back for a week or so. A cold pack is recommended to help reduce the swelling around the nose. You should notice the swelling starting to subside by about the fourth day.

Your nose must be kept dry for at least five days after surgery to help the healing process and prevent infection. Regular face-washing can be resumed after the sutures have been removed. Cotton swabs with a saline solution or clean water must be used to clean the wounds on the nose, and antibiotic ointments and other medications should be used per your doctor’s recommendations.

Avoid eating any hard or chewy foods during the initial recovery period. You should confine your diet to soft foods that don’t require a lot of chewing.


Visit Nirunda Clinic to Learn More

If you have any questions about rhinoplasty surgery at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok, please contact us to schedule an examination and consultation.


1Who is best suited for rhinoplasty?
The people best suited for rhinoplasty are those above the age of 15 who are physically healthy, don’t smoke, and have a positive outlook and realistic goals about improving their appearance.
2How long does the recovery process typically take?
Six weeks after rhinoplasty, your bones have become stable, and the majority of the healing process has been completed. You can begin wearing glasses, blowing your nose, and exercising again, once you’ve received approval from your doctor.
3Are there any age restrictions for undergoing rhinoplasty?
15 years of age is when the nose is when the nose becomes fully developed, and it has to be developed to undergo surgery.
4Why should you choose rhinoplasty at Nirunda Clinic?
Nirunda Clinic has been practicing for over ten years. We have a team of board-certified surgeons and dermatologists who have vast experience in every procedure offered at Nirunda Aesthetic Clinic.
5What are the risks of rhinoplasty surgery?
Rhinoplasty, like any surgical procedure, carries certain risks. These can include complications such as heavy bleeding, infection requiring antibiotics or further surgery, and allergic reactions to materials used during the procedure. When you have rhinoplasty surgery at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok, you can rest assured that we prioritize patient safety by employing meticulous surgical techniques and pre- and post-operative care to minimize these risks.
6What is a revision rhinoplasty?
Revision rhinoplasty, also known as secondary rhinoplasty in Thailand, is a procedure aimed at correcting or improving the results of a previous nose surgery. Our expert surgeons at Nirunda Clinic have the specialized skills required for successful revision rhinoplasty, ensuring that your results meet your expectations and enhance your natural beauty.
7How do you know if you need revision rhinoplasty?
You might consider revision rhinoplasty in Bangkok if you're experiencing dissatisfaction with the appearance or function of your nose following your original nose job, augmentation rhinoplasty, or alarplasty surgery. This could be due to aesthetic concerns, like an injury affecting the nose's shape, or functional issues, like breathing difficulties arising after the initial procedure. During a consultation at Nirunda Clinic, our surgeons will assess your situation to determine if revision rhinoplasty can achieve your desired outcome.
8How do you prepare for a rhinoplasty surgery procedure?
Preparing for an open or closed rhinoplasty procedure involves several steps to ensure your safety and optimize the results of plastic surgery on your nose. At Nirunda Clinic, we provide pre-operative guidelines, such as avoiding medications that can increase bleeding, including aspirin and certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and stopping smoking well in advance of the surgery to promote better healing. We’ll also advise you to arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and stay with you for at least the first night.
9Why choose Nirunda Clinic for your rhinoplasty surgery in Thailand?
Our surgeons at Nirunda Clinic in Bangkok are highly experienced in performing rhinoplasty and nose surgery. We offer a wide range of procedures, including augmentation rhinoplasty, alarplasty, and open rhinoplasty, tailored to the individual needs of our patients. Our Bangkok team will also conduct a thorough medical evaluation and discuss your aesthetic goals with you. We’ll combine advanced surgical techniques with a deep understanding of facial aesthetics to deliver natural-looking, harmonious results.

Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our approach to patient care, from the initial consultation to recovery. With competitive rhinoplasty prices and a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes, Nirunda Clinic is your trusted partner in cosmetic surgery in Bangkok.


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